Residential and commercial exterior cleaning, pressure washing & more. Call us today for a free quote.
From family homes to business premises, our professional power washing services restore and protect all types of exterior surfaces. We use advanced cleaning equipment and specialized techniques tailored to each surface type, ensuring thorough cleaning without causing damage.
For homeowners, we provide comprehensive exterior cleaning that includes driveways, patios, decking, and house washing services. Our gentle but effective cleaning methods remove years of built-up dirt, algae, and staining while protecting your property's surfaces.
Business owners and property managers benefit from our flexible scheduling and efficient service delivery. Whether you manage retail spaces, office buildings, or commercial units, we understand the importance of maintaining professional appearances while minimizing disruption to your operations. Our team is fully insured and trained in the latest cleaning techniques, ensuring safe and effective results every time.
We offer customized cleaning programs to suit your specific needs:
Every project begins with a thorough assessment to determine the most appropriate cleaning method for your surfaces. Contact us today to discuss how we can help maintain your property's exterior. Call us today at 01604 279 373.
We live in a busy world, and keeping the windows clean at home is challenging. Our team will come and provide you with a quote for full cleaning services of your windows. Anyone can afford our services!
Our technicians handle business applications of all sizes, from small storefronts to extensive multi-story facilities. Our team works fast and quietly, leaving your building windows cleaner than ever.
Allow our cleaners to make your fascia, facades and signs look their brightest and best. Whether you need general maintenance clean or restoration services, our team will always impress with work.
Bird droppings, dirt, and dust coat your solar panels decreasing their efficiency. We will use soft wash and high-grade cleaners, and spot-free rinse to leave the solar panels sparkly clean for best performance.
Only the pros should manage gutter cleaning. Improperly installed or pitched gutters pose a risk for water damage. Allow our technicians to clean the gutters; it will also preserve the roof warranty.
Our professionals perform pressure washing services for patio, houses, commercial buildings, and roof cleaning. They will remove dirt, grime, mould from the exterior of buildings, leaving them better looking and durable.
Exterior cleaning is the professional maintenance and restoration of a property's outdoor surfaces and structures. It encompasses a range of specialized services including building facade cleaning, roof maintenance, driveway and patio restoration, and gutter clearing.
Using a combination of advanced equipment and carefully selected cleaning methods - from gentle soft washing to high-pressure cleaning - professional exterior cleaners remove built-up dirt, algae, moss, and environmental pollution that can damage surfaces over time.
This comprehensive approach not only enhances a property's appearance but also helps prevent long-term deterioration, maintains its value, and extends the life of exterior materials.
Our experienced cleaners perform expert cleaning for a great diversity of residential and commercial applications, and some are listed below.
We do window cleaning for houses, flats, and bungalows, and conservatory cleaning. We will do it regularly or as a one-off; give us a call for details.
We provide window cleaning for small companies and large corporate buildings as well.
Our team is ready to clean shop fronts, paying utmost care and attention, where your best products are placed to attract the customers.
Even if sky-scrapers are challenging to clean, our expert cleaners will deliver the most impressive results every time. They have the training and best equipment to do it.
Regular window cleaning is essential for universities, schools, colleges, and sixth forms. We will provide that as part of our traditional school's cleaning and develop thorough cleans according to school regulations.
Cleaning mirrors and windows in gyms are essential not only for aesthetic reasons but also because germs may easily travel from mirrors.
Our Window Cleaners Northampton team performs specialist cleans for stained glass, and we will adjust the cleaning procedures to suit. We will use a water-fed pole with purified/pure water to obtain impressive results without damaging the glass.
Some water and a squeegee won't cut it for best results; the Northants Exterior Clean team will turn to specialized products and chemicals to remove all dirt, grime, and pollutants that collect on internal and external windows. It happens a lot when you live in a big town.
Our team will use ladders, water-fed poles and scaling equipment to reach windows with all precautions for safety. If you consider that abseiling cleaners are necessary for your application, contact us for more information.
Window Cleaning Northampton will provide all the tools, equipment, and workwear necessary for cleaning. If you cannot supply electricity or water, our team will provide portable facilities.
Our cleaners at Window Cleaners Northampton will always leave the glass sparkling clean-just give us a call to set a meeting.
We will offer regular cleaning services specific to your situation, if inclement weather or other problem forced you to call us. Even if our cleaning gives impressive results, you need to contact us for regular cleaning so that your windows remain clean all year long.
Regular cleans don’t have just cosmetic value; they also increase the safety of a building by helping you identify any problems right from the start. The Window Cleaners Northampton professionals will signal you if they notice issues like:
You will be able to call the professionals for window and fittings repairs, and not a replacement. All routes should be functional and clear, especially for fire or emergency evacuation.
Regular cleaning will also eliminate acid deposits, increasing the life span of your windows.
It’s not an easy answer, as different factors and situations affect the buildings. Most of the time, you should call us as follow:
We have no set price for window cleaning in Northampton, as several aspects will impact the cost:
Size and number of windows - Various shapes, types of glass for windows will impact the work of our team. They will always leave your windows sparkling clean.
Particular/bespoke requirements - Cranes or experienced high reach window cleaners will be necessary for some applications: other times, particular products should be used for best results. Regardless, our team will recommend the best methods and care for your bespoke requests too.
Height of the windows - Cranes, cherry pickers, and ladders will be necessary for some jobs.
How big is the team - One cleaner will be enough for some situations, whereas other clients would request a higher number of cleaners so that the job is finished very fast.
Need for specialist products - Some types of glass and windows will need the use of specific products for cleaning.
Call the Window Cleaning Northampton team to go over your requirements and provide you with a quote for the job.
Shout out to our partners: Pressure washing near me, Exterior Cleaning Solutions, our network of trusted partners for additional services and resources to complement your pressure cleaning needs.
Northampton Cleaners
01604 279 373
Your local residential and commercial window and jet cleaning professionals.
Professional window cleaning and pressure washing expertise, the best experience, and reasonable prices.